The Compassionate Army Marches Forward

NYIFC is proud of their accomplishments on the pitch; multiple championships over the last few years, a great board, great recruitment, and great managers, but in the last two seasons, they have been equally proud of their accomplishments off the pitch; the Davide 5K Remembrance Run, helping financially insecure players with scholarships to play, and finally, their partnership with EV Loves NYC. There’s a GoFundMe that one of the members of the CSG is doing multiple events for and last week, board member Nicholas “Cozzy” Alexandrakos organized a 4v4 Tournament on 09/14/22. There was a $200 entry fee with 50% of the proceeds going to EV Loves NYC. Five teams registered for the tournament, with Conquer Sports App winning and $550 raised, thus singlehandedly putting a random member of NYIFC into a Russian Ice Bath for 2 minutes in a speedo. The good times keep rolling though, this sparked a weekly Futbol v Food Insecurity event at The Grounds on Thursday nights from 730-930 open to 16 people. It’s $20/person and the ground will give $90 if 16 people sign up. We thank those who participated and have donated so far and NYIFC is excited to join the #CompassionateArmy.


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